Toshl Developer

3rd party API availability

If you are reading this you are most likely interested in the API availability for 3rd party developers. Sadly the API is currently not open to the public. Rest assured we really do mean to make it available for all to use, but not only that. One of the design decisions we took is to open the entire API that we use internally, so you can use the full power of the Toshl platform.

We will be opensourcing the entire developer site on github along with all the json-schema files, client side libraries we use internally for our own apps (javascript, ios, android, windows phone) and any other tools we use internally that might help you out with your finances. As you can imagine, this is quite the undertaking. We will post updates here and on twitter.

For now though, only the documentation is ready. You are most welcome to check it out.

If you find any issues or would like to be notified when the API goes public, please send us an email to api (at)