Entries endpoint can be used to interact with users expenses and incomes.
Expenses have a negative prefix, incomes don’t have a prefix. Every entry is part of an account, is in one category, can have tags, can be part of a repeat, can be part of a transaction and can include images.
An entry is repeating if it includes the repeat
object. Repeat parameters start
, end
, frequency
, interval
, count
and byday
are used according to RFC 5545 RRULE.
A transaction is a transfer of funds from one account to the other. An entry is part of transaction if it includes the transation
If you try edit an entry that is part of a transaction, the server will automatically update the companion entry.
Note: Be advised that only pro accounts can upload entry images. If a user with a free account tries to add an image, a 403 (Forbidden) error will be returned and the image will be discarded.
Resource representation
id readonly string
Entry id. |
amount read, write number
Entry amount. Minimum:> -1000000000000000 Maximum: < 1000000000000000 |
currency read, write object
Currency object |
code read, write string
Entry currency code. Regex:[A-Z0-9_]{2,10} |
rate read, write number
Entry exchange rate calculated according to entry account currency. Minimum:> 0 |
main_rate readonly number
Entry exchange rate main currency calculated according to entry main currency. |
fixed read, write boolean
If set to true, the exchange rate is fixed. Default value:false |
date read, write string
Entry purchase date in date |
desc read, write string
Entry description. Max length:3072 |
account read, write string
Entry account id. |
category read, write string
Entry category id. |
tags read, write array
An array of tag ids. |
location read, write object
Entry location object. |
id read, write string
Location id. This is the internal Toshl id, not the Foursquare venue id. Not set if user did not select a location. |
venue_id read, write string
Foursquare venue id. Not set if user did not select a location. |
latitude * read, write number
Location latitude. |
longitude * read, write number
Location longitude. |
created readonly string
Specifies when the entry was created. Format:date-time |
modified readonly string
Specifies when the entry was last modified. |
repeat read, write object
A repeat object. |
id readonly string
Repeat id. |
start * read, write string
Repeat start date. Format:date |
end read, write string
Repeat end date. If end date is not specified the date |
template_start readonly string
Template start date. Only present if entry is a repeat template. Format:date |
template_end readonly string
Template end date. Only present if entry is a repeat template. Format:date |
frequency * read, write string
Repeat frequency. Possible values:daily, weekly, monthly, yearly |
interval * read, write integer
Repeat interval. For example: repeating every two months -> frequency: >= 1 Maximum: =< 255 |
count read, write integer
How many times to repeat entry. Minimum:>= 1 |
byday read, write string
A comma separated list of weekdays ( |
bymonthday read, write string
A comma separated list of month days (1-31). Each month day can have a plus(+) or minus(-) prefix. |
bysetpos read, write string
A comma separater list of the nth occurance within |
iteration readonly integer
Repeat iteration number. First entry in the repeat has >= 0 |
template readonly boolean
Set to true if this entry is a template for all future repeating entries in this repeat. |
entries read, write array
List of entry ids that were used to create the repeat (used only for confirming detected repeats). |
type read, write string
Repeat type. Possible values:automatic, confirm, confirmed |
status read, write string
Repeat status. Possible values:ok, missing_entries |
transaction read, write object
A transaction object. |
id read, write string
Companion entry id. |
amount read, write number
Transaction amount. Minimum:> -1000000000000000 Maximum: < 1000000000000000 |
account * read, write string
Companion entry account. |
currency * read, write object
Companion entry currency object |
code read, write string
Entry currency code. Regex:[A-Z0-9_]{2,10} |
rate read, write number
Entry exchange rate calculated according to entry account currency. Minimum:> 0 |
main_rate readonly number
Entry exchange rate main currency calculated according to entry main currency. |
fixed read, write boolean
If set to true, the exchange rate is fixed. Default value:false |
images read, write array
List of entry images. Each entry can have up to 4 images. Maximum items:4 |
id read, write string
Image id. |
path readonly string
Path to image. Append |
filename readonly string
Name of the attachment file. Use it together with path to retrieve the attachment. |
type readonly string
Attachment type can be either |
status readonly string
Image status. Possible values:new, uploaded, error, deleting |
reminders read, write array
List of entry reminders. Each entry can have up to 5 reminder. List is returned sorted by 5 |
period read, write string
Reminder period Possible values:day, week, month, year |
number read, write integer
The number of periods before entry date -> 2 weeks before date: >= 0 Maximum: =< 255 |
at read, write string
Time of day for the reminder to fire in time |
import read, write object
If entry was imported via a bank import (file or bank sync) this object is returned. |
id read, write string
File import id |
connection read, write string
Bank connection id which is responsible for the entry import. |
memo read, write string
Memo provided by import |
payee read, write string
Payee provided by import |
pending read, write boolean
review read, write object
If entry is linked to a review (subject, match or resulting entry), this object is returned |
id read, write string
Review id |
type read, write string
Possible values: expense, income, transfer, repeat |
completed read, write boolean
If review has already been completed. |
settle read, write object
If this entry is part of the settle made automatically, then settle object is returned. |
id read, write string
Account id with settle |
split read, write object
If entry was created by splitting up another, this object is returned. |
parent read, write string
Link to parent that was used to create this split entry. |
children read, write array
Array of entry ids that have the same parent. |
completed read, write boolean
If an entry has a reminder, this field indicates if the bill has been paid or not. Once it has reminders for this entry no longer fire. |
deleted readonly boolean
Is object deleted. |
extra read, write object
A custom JSON object that you can use to extend Toshl API. Whatever you save into this field you will get back whenever you fetch it later. |
* denotes required field/parameter.