Me endpoint can be used to access and modify data for the currently logged in user.
Resource representation
"id": "42",
"email": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Cleese",
"joined": "2013-06-19T16:23:05+00:00Z",
"modified": "2013-07-19T10:12:35+00:00Z",
"pro": {
"since": "2010-06-01T12:21:10+00:00Z",
"until": "2015-07-01T22:10:12+00:00Z",
"payment": {
"provider": "paypal",
"next": "2015-07-01T22:10:12+00:00Z"
"currency": {
"main": "USD"
"start_day": 5,
"notifications": 3,
"social": ["google", "facebook", "foursquare"],
"steps": ["income", "expense", "budget", "budget_category"],
"limits": {
"accounts": true,
"budgets": true,
"images": true
"locale": "en_GB",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"country": "UK"
id readonly string
User id. |
email readonly string
Email address used to log into Toshl. Format:email Max length: 254 |
first_name read, write string
Users first name. Max length:100 |
last_name read, write string
Users last name. Max length:100 |
joined readonly string
Date user joined Toshl. Format:date-time |
modified readonly string
Date user details were last modified. |
pro readonly object
If present, the pro object defines the payment and pro account details. |
level readonly string
Paying users have different access to Toshl features depending on their subscription level. Possible values:pro, medici |
since readonly string
Date when users Pro account started. Format:date-time |
until readonly string
Date when users Pro account expires. Format:date-time |
payment read, write object
Pro payment information. |
id read, write string
Payment ID of the latest sucessfull payment. |
provider read, write string
Possible values: apple, google, microsoft, g2s, adyen, amazon, bitpay, paypal, unknown |
next readonly string
Date when users next payment will be completed. Format:date-time |
trial read, write boolean
True for payments that are part of free trial. Default value:false |
trial read, write object
If present, the user is in a trial period and contains trial period details |
start readonly string
Date when trial period started. Format:date-time |
end readonly string
Date when trial period ends. Format:date-time |
remaining_credit readonly number
Remaining credit which will be taken into account if user purchases subscription for different subscription level. Can be applied only to PayPal and Adyen purchases. Minimum:>= 0 Maximum: =< 1000 |
vat read, write object
VAT information. |
name * read, write string
Company name |
address * read, write string
Company address |
city * read, write string
Company city |
post * read, write string
Company postal code |
state read, write string
Company state |
country * read, write string
Company country |
vat * read, write string
Company VAT number |
partner read, write array
Contains information about which partner was used to upgrade. |
name readonly string
Partner name |
start readonly string
Date when partner upgrade started Format:date-time |
end readonly string
Date when partner upgrade expires Format:date-time |
trial_eligible readonly boolean
True if user can use the free 30-day trial. |
currency read, write object
Currency settings |
main read, write string
Main currency. Regex:[A-Z0-9_]{2,10} |
update read, write string
Main currency update type. Possible values:historical, custom, sign |
update_accounts read, write boolean
Must be set if update = custom or historical and is ignored otherwise. |
custom_exchange_rate read, write number
Must be set if update = custom and is ignored otherwise. Minimum:>= 0 |
custom read, write object
Custom currency. |
code read, write string
Main currency code. Regex:[A-Z0-9_]{2,10} |
rate read, write number
Main currency exchange rate. Minimum:>= 0 |
fixed read, write boolean
If set to true, the exchange rate is fixed. Default value:false |
reference_currency read, write string
Reference currency used to define the currency. Regex:[A-Z0-9_]{2,10} |
start_day read, write integer
User preference for month start day. If set to >= 1 Maximum: =< 31 Default value: 1 |
notifications readonly integer
Number of notifications. |
social readonly array
Connected social accounts. Possible values:toshl, google, facebook, twitter, evernote, foursquare, etalio, flickr, apple |
steps readonly array
Suggested remaining steps the user should take before using the app. User can decide to skip the steps by settings income, expense, budget, budget_category |
migration read, write object
User migration details are returned only for users that were migrated over from the previous system and need to go through a special migration step. |
finished read, write boolean
If finished is |
date_migrated readonly string
Date users data was migrated from old system. Format:date-time |
revert_until readonly string
Date until a request for data revert is possible. If date has passed, the field is not returned. Format:date-time |
limits read, write object
Contains details about users limits (accounts, budgets etc.) |
accounts readonly boolean
budgets readonly boolean
images readonly boolean
import readonly boolean
bank readonly boolean
repeats readonly boolean
reminders readonly boolean
export readonly boolean
pro_share readonly boolean
passcode readonly boolean
planning readonly boolean
locations readonly boolean
locale read, write string
Users locale |
language read, write string
Language of users ui |
timezone read, write string
Users timezone |
country read, write string
Users country Regex:[A-Z]{2} |
otp_enabled read, write boolean
flags readonly array
Feature flags the user has enabled. |
extra read, write object
A custom JSON object that you can use to extend Toshl API. Whatever you save into this field you will get back whenever you fetch it later. |
* denotes required field/parameter.