Whenever an error occurs API uses the appropriate HTTP response status code and returns a JSON error message giving further detail on why the error occurred.
HTTP Status codes
200 (OK) | Great success! |
201 (Created) | Indicates a successful resource creation. |
202 (Accepted) | The request has been accepted for processing. |
204 (No Content) | Indicates response has no content. |
304 (Not Modified) | Used if the content was not modified since it was last accessed. |
400 (Bad Request) | A generic error response used whenever no other 4xx code is appropriate. |
401 (Unauthorized) | Indicates something is wrong with authentication. |
402 (Payment Required) | Indicates user has MFA enabled. See authentication for more info. |
403 (Forbidden) | Indicates you are trying to access part of the API you do not have access to. |
404 (Not Found) | Indicates a specific resource or endpoint was not found. |
405 (Method Not Allowed) | Indicates an wrong request method was used to access a specific API endpoint. Check Allow part of the response to see which methods are allowed. |
409 (Conflict) | Indicates that an object update was attempted, but it has been modified since the client last saw it (perhaps on a different device). |
418 (I’m a teapot) | Not an error, just for fun. The resulting entity body may be short and stout. |
429 (Too Many Requests) | Indicates that the application has sent to many requests in the given time limit. |
500 (Internal Server Error) | Indicates API malfunction. |
503 (Service Unavailable) | API servers are up, but are either being upgraded or are overloaded with requests. |
Error messages
While the HTTP status code is usually enough to determine the nature of the error, some additional information may be needed from time to time to explain why a certain error occurred.
A typical error message looks like this (accompanied by an appropriate HTTP status code).
"id": "account_limit",
"description": "Account limit reached."
Note: To localize the error messages use Accept-Language
header and set the preferred language order (de, en
for example). If the preferred localization is not found the, or if the header is not sent, all error messages will be returned in English.
Create/Update errors
While creating or updating a resource some fields can have input errors. In this case the error message includes an additional response id and parameter.
"id": "input_error",
"description": "Could not insert expense.",
"fields": [
"field": "amount",
"error": "Amount cannot be zero."
"field": "category",
"error": "Please select at least one category."