Payments made by the user. If a payment is not available for the client, a 403 Forbidden
error is returned.
Resource representation
"id": "42",
"type": "apple",
"period": "monthly",
"amount": 1.99,
"currency": "USD",
"discount": 10,
"status": "completed",
"modified": "2012-09-04T13:55:15Z",
"refund": false,
"subscription": true
id readonly string
Payment id. |
type read, write string
Payment type. Possible values:apple, google, microsoft, g2s, adyen, amazon, bitpay, paypal, unknown |
brand read, write string
Brand of payment type. Only valid for |
issuer read, write string
Issuer of brand payment type. Only valid for |
method read, write string
Payment method used by the user (mastercard, visa etc.). Only valid for |
period read, write string
Pro period duration. Possible values:custom, monthly, yearly, 3-years |
level read, write string
Paying users have different access depending on the subscription level. Possible values:pro, medici |
amount readonly number
Amount payed (does not include discount). |
currency readonly string
Currency used for payment. Regex:[A-Z0-9_]{2,10} |
discount readonly number
Discount amount in percentages. Minimum:> 0 Maximum: < 100 |
promo read, write string
Promo code used with the payment. Discount is calculated by the backend. |
vat read, write object
VAT information. |
name * read, write string
Company name |
address * read, write string
Company address |
city * read, write string
Company city |
post * read, write string
Company postal code |
state read, write string
Company state |
country * read, write string
Company country |
vat * read, write string
Company VAT number |
receipt read, write object
Payment receipt. Only valid for |
data * read, write string
Payment receipt data. |
signature read, write string
Payment receipt signature. Required for |
status readonly string
Payment status. If set to new, redirect, verifying, missing_address, completed, error, refund-pending, refunded, cancelled, refused, pending |
modified readonly string
Specifies when the payment was last modified. |
perks read, write array
One or more selected perks. |
type read, write string
Perk type Possible values:t-shirt, bag, socks |
size read, write string
T-shirt size (type s, m, l, xl, xxl |
model read, write string
T-shirt model. Available only for type woman, man |
address read, write object
Address where perk will be shipped. Only available for payments that offer |
name read, write string
Name of the person that will receive the perk. |
address read, write string
Address where the perk will be sent. |
trial readonly boolean
True if user wants to use trial. |
redirect read, write string
If status is |
refunduble readonly boolean
True if refund is available. |
subscription readonly boolean
True if subscription is enabled. |
make_refund read, write boolean
Set to true to receive a refund. This will also cancel the pro account for the user. Default value:false |
cancel_subscription read, write boolean
Set to true to cancel subscription for payment. This will not cancel the pro account for the user. Default value:false |
* denotes required field/parameter.